Become the master of your body and emotions…
Make a commitment to your yoga practise and you will reap the benefits.
The practise of asana promotes structural stability, physiological immunity, flexibility and balance. Asana is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘to sit’ or ‘to be present’ in yoga renown Viniyoga Therapist Gary Kraftsow describes it as ‘to be established in a particular posture’. Regular yoga practise will balance neurological activity, strengthen the cardiovascular system improving blood circulation and improve the absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste.
By building strength within your body you will also improve self-confidence and self-esteem. By increasing flexibility you will create flexibility in your way of thinking improving your ability to accept and adapt to change. By maintaining a difficult of awkward asana you will learn to withstand difficult situations and learn tolerance and resilience. Hence there is a strong link between building strength within your body to improve emotional wellbeing.
Gary describes asana as a ‘means of purifying and restructuring the body, brining to it the qualities of stability, strength, flexibility, stillness, clarity and well-being.’ By mastering asana we can begin to master ourselves.
Yoga becomes a path of self-development and self-discovery.
Consistency is the key. Attend yoga at least once a week, two would be even more beneficial! And begin to reap the physical and psychological benefits. Make a commitment to yoga today and make it a part of your weekly routine.

Kraftsow, Gary. Yoga for Wellness. Penguin Books, New Zealand. 1999.