Grief and Bereavement
I watched a close friend over the last two years let go of attachments (material, non-material, relationships, family and belongings). I observed a lightness in my friend. Yes, almost as though she could float away. And in a way, that is what happened. As she let go of earthly attachments, she began to ascend to a higher more spiritual plane. Naturally there was still grief on my part as my friend passed away. However I found acceptance and peace as I came to a place of understanding. I understood my friend’s desire to step into consciousness. I now see the purification process she was allowing to occur in her life. Her pursuit of a pure way of life entailed chanting, serving others, serving deities and tending a plant called Tulsi. Tulsi is a holy plant that represents an earthly manifestation of a divine goddess. It is an honour to serve and tend to Tulsi at a temple. Words such as: selfless, endearing, humble, empathic, compassionate and loving are qualities my friend embraced. And embrace life and others she did, right until the last moment. I grieve her passing, that I was not there to hold her hand, to chant, to give reassurance. But my heart is full, not empty. It is full of the love and memories that I hold for my friend. In every part of life, there is an ebb and flow. Of happiness and grief, joy and pain and most importantly there needs to be acceptance. Acceptance of the past forges a way into the future.